XXX International Prize and Award for accordion solist and bands
13/16 ottobre 2005


 “Cagnoni Quality Reeds” award

The Company Cagnoni & C. will be assigning the “Cagnoni Quality Reeds” Prize during the International “Città di Castelfidardo” Award to a well known pop music artist who has contributed to promoting the accordion with his / her performances.
Assigned to: Alessandro Haber

Special prize “Excelsior”
A € 510,00 scholarship will be offered as a prize by the Company EXCELSIOR to the winner of the Prize
“Città di Castelfidardo” for accordion concert performers.
Assigned to SEMENKIN VICTOR (Russia)


The Confederazione Generale Italiana dell’Artigianato – CONFARTIGIANATO of Castelfidardo will assign a Study Bursary of € 300,00 to the winning band of Cat. P (Astor Piazzolla Music Section).
Assigned to SCHERZO QUARTET (Russia)


The Collecorvino Municipality (Pescara)
will offer a Prize-Concert and € 250,00 in commemoration of M° Claudio Calista, to the best Italian competitor of the Concert-Performers Prize (or to an Italian soloist recommended by the Jury of the other Categories). The Concert will be held during the summer shows 2005 of Collecorvino, birthplace of M° Claudio Calista.

Assigned to
 MARIO D'AMARIO (3° classificato Cat."H")

“Accordions Worldwide” Special Award
“Accordions Worldwide/Yellow Pages” on the Internet is sponsoring for 1 year a virtual publicity site for some winners of the “Città di Castelfidardo” Prize and Award. The winner of PREMIO for accordion concert-performers will obtain free publicity in the Accordion Yellow Pages. The winners must supply all information and photograph within 3 months.
Assigned to SEMENKIN VICTOR (Russia)


Special prize “Piermaria” 
A € 250,00 scholarship will be offered as a prize by the Company I.M.C. – International Music Company s.r.l. (producer of the accordions PIERMARIA) to the winner of the Cat. I (Varieté Senior).
Assigned to SHIRUNOV ALEXANDER (Russia)

Study grant in commemoration of John Gabbanelli

The I.M.C. – International Music Company s.r.l. two study grants in memory of Gianfranco (John) Gabbanelli to the second  (€150,00) and third (€100,00) place of category I (Varieté senior)

Special Prize in commemoration of Lido Ballone Burini
Ballone Burini Lido & C. will offer a discount voucher of € 6.000,00 to the winner of Price for concert soloists, for the purchase of a professional instrument.
Assigned to: SEMENKIN VICTOR (Russia)
-          Ballone Burini Lido & C. s.r.l. will offer two accordions of di € 5.000,00 to the school having the highest number of participants classified in the first three  positions of categories A-B-C-D-Price for concert-soloists.

Study Bursary in commemoration of André Thepaz

A Study Bursary of € 200,00 will be offered by the family in commemoration of the late M° André Thepaz
(the professor who wanted to spread up the accordion as a wind instrument) to the winner in Cat. H (Varieté Junior).
Assigned to: MANCINI ANTONIO (Italia)

Special prize “Intermusik Schmülling”
The music multi-medial company Schmülling International, editor of Intermusik and leading review  distributed world-wide specialising in accordions and other instruments including free reed - will offer a prize in advertisements of a value of € 4.000,00 to the winners in cat. F-I-M of the Award and to the winner of the Premio for Concert Soloists, Intermusik will publish the monthly advertisements which will be distributed world-wide to support the concert activities of the winners for a period of one year.
Assigned to:
- GERTER TRIO (Germany) - Cat. F
- SEMENKIN VICTOR (Russia) - Winner of the PREMIO


The company Menghini / SEM
(manufacturer of instruments under the Sem, Menghini, Scandalli and Paolo Soprani brands)
will produce a Compact Disk (CD) containing the live-performances during the awarding of prizes of the Classical Music Section (Sunday 16th October 2005; 16.30 H). This Cd will include the performances of the winner of the Premio for Concert-performers, of the winners in the “collective categories” (categories E and F) and of possible participants who have received “special mention”. A panel will select the pieces to be recorded.
- GERTER TRIO (Germania)


Il Premio Speciale "ARS OFICINA ARTIUM" consiste in un concerto premio da assegnare ad unconcorrente solista italiano segnalato dalla giuria. Concerto da effettuarsi all0interno del calendario delle manifestazioni estive del 2006 a Castelfidardo.
Assegnato a: Mancini Antonio (Cat. H)

Il CONCERTO PREMIO sancito nell'ambito del gemellaggio fra le città di Castelfidardo e Klingenthal (Germania), da assegnare al miglior concorrente italiano partecipante alla categoria H.
Assegnato a: Mancini Antonio

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